
MovieMate v1.0.5 [Subscribed] MOD APK [Latest]

Name is the most famous version in the series of publisher
Genre Entertainment
Update September 14, 2020
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Moviemate is a Premium streaming and downloading platform with more than 60,000 hours of movies and covered of different languages of movies.

Watch your favorites movies in High quality fast streaming in Moviemate app. Full movies in portrait mode or full screen mode by rotate your mobile by clicking rotate option in moviemate app.

Watch Movies by your popular genre or find your favorites genre. Easiest way to find movies in MovieMate app for the user. UI & UX is design to experience the next level for our users.
You can easily find movies by genre. It give you choice to find movies by your mood.Don’t west your time. Watch movies by most popular list wise movies.After watching movies you feel awesome then you can hit the LIKE button.

What’s New:
No changelog

Mod Info:
Subscription unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled;
Optimized graphics and Zipalign.

This app has no advertisements



MovieMate v1.0.5 [Subscribed] MOD APK / Mirror

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