Awesome Date Calculator app to calculate date related operations like total years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes and seconds between two dates and also it is a useful to find date differences between events like work anniversaries, birthday, holidays, and important dates, etc…
► Date to date calculator.
► Add or subtract from a date.
► Working days and non working days calculator and exclude holidays.
► Calculate how many working and non working days between two dates.
► Find a leap year.
► Find week days Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
► Age calculator, calculate your chronological age.
► Choose date format you like from settings.
► Find current device time zone from settings.
Don’t keep Date Calculator app a secret! we grow with your support, keep sharing
What’s New:
Thanks for choosing Date Calculator! This release contains the following features, as well as new dark theme.
✓ Amazing Dark Theme for those who love dark mode, it helps improved readability.
✓ Turkish language added
✓ Miscellaneous improvements
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